Make Auto Payment System in multi level with single leg mlm plan

The single leg business plan is booming day to day in the MLM industry sector. Single leg mlm plan is the most demanded multi-level marketing plans in the last three years. We at Nanoarch software design and develop spectacular mlm plans software which will deliver huge benefits and increment for your direct selling business. This is one of the simplest business plans which are mostly used by the network marketing companies. How Monoline business plan efficiently works? The concept of this business plans very clear as there will be only one member gets recruited in the downline of their frontline members. There is a fixed width of this business plan and this is what it is called monoline, linear leg, one leg business plan. According to this, the very first members of the business organization will earn more than the second members and the second will earn more than the third members. This process will be continued until the recruited members in the business plans...